3 Best Strategies That Every Salesman Should Know

Go ahead, sell me this pen.

In this Article I would share with you on how to sell anything to anyone, anytime by  Dan Lok

Now, when it comes to selling, when it comes to closing, there are so many techniques and so many ways .  I'm gonna share with you three powerful secrets, that you can use to sell anything to anyone.

The very first secret is this;  How do you turn something that's a commodity, how do you sell a product,  how do you sell a service, in such a noisy market place?

No. 1.  People buy based on emotions, and they justify with logic.

People Don't Buy Because of Logic. People buy because of emotion, and They Justify it with Logic.

I want you to think of something that you want to buy in your life.  It could be a car, it could be a  house, it could be anything, I just want you to picture that. Once you have that in your mind, I want you to ask yourself this question, why do you want to buy it? Why do you want to buy that particular item? Why do you want to own that item, why is that?  Maybe it's a new suit, it looks good on you. Maybe it's a new dress, maybe it's a new car, maybe it's a new house,  maybe it's that vacation, but why do you buy it?

I want to dig a little bit deeper. If you peer through the layers, I think you'll realize you are buying emotions. Maybe you buy the item because of greed, You wanna make money or you wanna save money, or maybe it's because of generosity, that by buying this item it's gonna help other people. Have you noticed sometimes there are companies out there,  if you buy this particular product, they're gonna donate a certain amount to charities? Maybe you buy because of generosity. Maybe because of shame, that if you don't buy this you'll look foolish.  Or maybe because of fear, that if you don't buy this, your gonna be missing out, Maybe it's an escape, that you go on the vacation, your 9 to 5 job is driving you fucking crazy, and you say, "Oh man I need some time off."

Whatever those reasons are, those are very often emotional reasons. So you buy because of emotion, and you justify it with logic.

So think about when you're selling something to somebody.

Are you just talking about features and benefits, what his thing would do for you? are you pushing those emotional heart buttons?

Dan Lok shared about his experience when he was in Harry Rosen, which is a very well known menswear store, high end, in Vancouver. (Watch the Video below for details)

People buy because of emotions, and they justify it with logic,  you have to understand that.
Don't just push your product, don't just push your services, don't push the features and benefits.
Think about what are those emotional heart buttons that you're pushing.

No. 2 People Don't Buy Their Way Into Something, They Buy Their Way Out of Something. 

It means people very often, they're buying something because they have a problem that they want solved. They want to buy there way out of that problem. People don't buy the drill, they want a hole on the wall. So what is it that you're helping them solve, what problem, what is that thing you have to understand? I always say, the amount of money that you make, is in direct proportion, to how deep you understand your market place's pain. The amount of money that you make, is in direct proportion, is in how well, how deep you go, how much you understand your market place's pain. So you have to understand what are the pains that people have, and how can you help them relieve some of that pain? So think about that.

No. 3 People Don't Buy Products and Services, They Buy Stories.

When there are so many choices out there in the market place, on the internet,  any product that you
want, there are hundreds, and hundreds of choices. How do you stand out?

How do you add emotions to a commodity, a pen? What's the difference between a $2 pen, or a $800 Montblanc, John F Kennedy, limited edition, exclusive pen, It's the same pen, it has the same functions. Story, when you add story to an item, suddenly, when you add the John F Kennedy,
the President's story, attached to a brand, to a logo, it is 10 times more valuable, it is a hundred times more valuable. It is 300 times more valuable, that particular pen, all because of story. It writes the same, a $2 pen you can write too, but that's the difference.  So think about, what's the story?
How can you inject stories into everything that you do?  Maybe it's your origin story, how did you get started? Why do you do what you do?  What about also stories of your customers?

So there you go everyone. I hope you've learn something about this article, if you are a sales person or thinking to sell something to anyone, try these simple yet effective ways to attract your prospects. Good luck!

if your still have more time, watch this full video of Dan Lok about this powerful strategies on selling.